Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Check out this newsletter.
Look at the people and the tag lines.
It's all true, really true.

The people-are the most genuine, real, open, creative people you would ever meet. Their potential for the kingdom work is astronomical. They are in the world in places, right here in our city, that you and I don't have access to. They go into the dark places and shine like beacons of light and hope. They aren't perfect, but then neither am I, and truthfully, neither are you. If Jesus were to come to the earth today to pick his 12 these are the people He would be walking among. He didn't go to the "white collar workers" of His day. He didn't go to the old wise sages of His day. He went to the young, ordinary individuals and invested His time and energies into empowering them to continue what He was starting. He would pick these people. Yes, He would.
The tag line-Turning the sons and daughters of evangelicals back to God and the Church. What the statement means (and studies support) is that many young people, even those brought up in Christian homes and churches, shed those beliefs in their early adulthood as they begin to try to form a belief system of their own. They need other adults and peers to which they can freely express their questions and doubts and who will point them back to "God and the Church". Not saying at all that Mom & Dad did a bad job, just that these young adults, including your own, are searching for their own truth. They may already posses it but until they "test" it, it may seem like something inherited, like blue eyes or blond hair. Then it becomes real to them and they can embrace their past learning.

So, that's what we're about. Seeking and finding gifted, talented, different, genuine young adults and no matter what their background or where they are spiritually and embracing them not only with the truth of Christ but with the love of Christ. Going with them into the trenches of life to rescue others and share the light that Christ has given to us.

You can read my other blog "Cowards Need Not Apply" and see if you have what it takes to stand in the gap and support this mission church. Or you can go directly to the website and donate online. We really need your help and any size donation will help us "eat the elephant" that represents real needs of our pastor. And pray! This gets really tough sometimes and just because we don't need a passport to go to this mission field doesn't mean it isn't a mission. You may find that someday these people will be reaching out to "your people".

Blessings on you and yours!
Hold all that God gives with an open hand.

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