More obscure I remember them.....
Seventh grade-I remember that cool thing in science class where the guys had to try to lift the girls up by facing them and lifting straight up under the girls arms. Not a problem at all until the girl took her thumb and rested it under the guys chin.....ta da! They could no longer lift the girl that seconds before they had no problem lifting. It had something to do with where the individual's center of gravity was and seemed to work only around the seventh grade. Revenge of the forty five pound weakling from sixth grade math! Little surprised that hand to armpit and thumb to chin was allowed. This was also the year someone, who shall remain nameless called me a "spaz" in p.e. For missing a catch that was so over my head that it hit the cars in the parking lot, and after standing out in right field for thirty minutes with no activity anyway. That really hurt my feelings.....little did un-named person know that later in my life someone got smart and pulled me infield where I played third base on an industrial team and second base on the church team and I always batted first because I always got on base and always came home. I was a fast little sucker with a good arm and could place hit! Yeah! That's right!
Eighth grade-it's a blur? I think this is the year I learned to ride a unicycle, really good! It's also the year I started shaving my legs. Mom wasn't ready for that yet until I told her I was afraid I was fixin to get called a werewolf. She had me lathered up before you could say "kidding"!
Ninth grade-CONTACTS and braces and learning to drive. Found out I could be really funny, but kept it pretty much to myself.
Tenth grade-CAR thanks mom and pop, for the first one, a Plymouth Fury with the tie-dyed vinyl top, blue, cool!
Eleventh grade-New car, more sensible, smaller, Chev with a leopard print vinyl top, complete with optional tail sticking out of the trunk! Racing up and down race street, getting boys to follow and then taking them down that back street and kinda jumping the bridge and scaring the you know out of the guys following that didn't know about the bridge! Ha it never failed!
Twelfth grade-was this the year that we put fizzies in our mouths in English or home room to see how long we could hold them before running to spit in the trash?
I'm sure I can remember more than that, but it's probably better to not talk about it! Kinda like mixed bathing!
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