I was thinking about all you wonderful peeps the other day and how you allow God to use you to show His love to the world. Then the thought crossed my mind that if Jesus were alive today picking His disciples to spread the gospel He would be picking YOU. Oh wait....He is alive....He did pick you! You are today's fishermen, today's gatherers, today's salt, today's light....today's bearers of the Good News that Christ died to save us from our own natural instinct to self-destruct. He has placed you all with your unique personalities and talents in various places throughout the city to make an eternal difference in the lives of those around you. And...you are doing it. You are making a difference for Him. You make a difference because you aren't afraid to be real, not perfect and not altogether sinless. Your transparency about your weaknesses is what makes what you say about Christ's unconditional love believable. Your love for Him and each other is so attractive to the lonely and hurting people He places in your paths. You aren't afraid to befriend these people...You don't treat them like lepers because they don't know Him and you listen, and care, and love without expecting to be loved in return. Christ walked among the sinful...that's who He came to save. I admire the way you love each other. You take care of each other in good and bad times. You are able to balance holding each other accountable for living right without being judgmental or self-righteous. You hug, you laugh, you love, you are LIGHT in a dark world. Not perfect....just perfectly loved by God. People can argue with your theology all day long.....but love....they can't argue with the love.
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