Words are little things. Little but powerful. You can build someone up with them or tear someone down. You can use them for good or for evil. You can build a reputation or destroy one, yours or someone else's. You can challenge or heal with them. You can make peace. You can make war.
How you choose to use your words can change the lives of your friends or your own life. It's amazing how much just letting someone know you are thinking about them can mean. Try to be sensitive to God leading you to speak up. If God brings someone to my mind I usually take it to mean he wants me to either pray for them or talk to them and most of the time it's both. It's a simple thing to send a quick text. "What's up?" "Have a great day!" "I'm praying for you!" "I love you!" "God loves you!" None of those take very long to send and yet can transport a friend to a more positive place. We have so many ways of shooting a quick encouragement to someone it's a shame we don't do it more often. Often these quick encouragements open the door for a longer conversation.
If you have more time you might meet for lunch or coffee. It's a little more work to arrange sometimes but it's so neat to get together face to face for some friend time. When you get together concentrate on being a good listener. Ask questions about your friends life. Don't use this as a platform for backing up the word truck and dumping a load. You don't always have to have an agenda or answers. Just hang out.
Back in Bible times they didn't have all the communication methods we have. They either talked face to face at the water well, in the fields, or at the city gates. Or they sent letters. The New Testament has lots of those letters. Letters to friends. Read through them sometime from the viewpoint of someone who was a friend of the writer. They are chock full of encouragement, advice, challenges, instruction, and sometimes they are kicking butt! There's a place for all that among friends
The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament has tons to say about words and the people that use them. Some of it isn't very nice. The book of Job has a lot to show us about well meaning but wrong advice from friends.
Encouraging one another should be easy. Sometimes the easier things get left unsaid because they are too easy to do. Don't neglect encouragement. It just takes a minute to make someone's day better. The Bible says we should rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep. Most of the time that's going to involve spoken words and hugs.
We should also be challenging each other to be better, do better, excel more. We should encourage each other to live the life that Christ died to give us. Does that mean we are judging? On the contrary, challenging each other to do right isn't judging; it's loving enough to say the hard things. If you are running toward a cliff you are probably going to have to have lunch with Momma Pam if I know about it. We each need saving from our stupidity from time to time. All of us go astray or can focus on the wrong thing. We get stronger as we lovingly counsel each other in right living. It's hard sometimes to be bold enough to do this. No one likes rejection and I think that's what holds us back. But that means I'm loving me more than I love you. That's not right.
Blessed are the peacemakers. This is a tough one. We should use our words to help each other get along. I'm not saying we should get involved in every little spat, but if there is something going on that effects the whole body or a good-sized chunk we should follow the Biblical plan for peacemaking. Quarreling Christians hurts our witness to the world around us. If the world is to know us by our love for one another then public arguments hurt the cause of Christ. We need to stick up for each other.
We can use our words negatively without even really thinking about it. We do this by spreading arguments, participating in gossip (even listening to it), grumbling, being negative. We can ruin reputations with our bad words. We can steal someone's joy.
Every day we have choices to make about how we use our words. We can use our words for ourselves, to get what we want and have our own needs met. Or we can choose to spend some of our words on our brothers and sisters. We can encourage and challenge each other to live rightly, to do good, and to spread the love of Christ to a world that's so in need of kindness.
EVALUATE: How many of your words each day do you spend on you? How many of your words are positive and uplifting? How often do you take the time to encourage someone?
Read the letter scriptures in the New Testament as though they were written to you by your friends Paul and Peter. Pretend you are Timothy or Titus.
Read Proverbs. They are so relevant for today's world.
Use the technology that makes it so easy to send a quick encouragement to someone at least once a day.
Get face to face with a friend at least once a week and listen. Use words only when necessary. Sometimes the best encouragement is to just listen. If God wants you to say something He'll let you know.
Use your words wisely.
Oops! I think I just unloaded the truck.
The Real Pam Smith
Monday, January 16, 2012
Monday, November 21, 2011
Occupy Yourself
It's really not their fault. We've pampered and spoiled and created the results we are seeing. Why wouldn't you expect to just put your foot down and get your way if that's what's worked for you all your life?
Every generation it's the same because we are all the same and have the same bents and desires. We all want what we want for as little as we can get by with. Given a choice we would all choose the easy way. That's the sin nature within. That doesn't change. We can't blame how we are or how they are on anything else.
It's not the case for everyone, however. A few have managed to overcome the "gimme" attitude. They are modern day heroes and examples that we need to hold out as those who take responsibility for their own destiny, and rely on God for guidance.
Here are some of the heroes in my life that I think are good examples of those who don't lay their destiny at someone else's feet.
Leah Smith-at 21 is the Program Director at The Little Gym. Leah has been teaching and coaching gymnastics since she was 15 and loves it. Leah went to college for a couple of semesters and looked at the debt that was piling up and decided that at this time that it wasn't necessary to have a degree to do the work that she loves doing. Not that its totally out of the picture but in the work she's doing and loves, a trainer's certificate along with her work experience is more than adequate. Oh, that and a work ethic that surprises her employers (every one she's ever had), that's not something you can buy or be given by the government. I see Leah owning her own business before she's much past 30.
Hope Smith-at 22 Hope is going for it! She has finally gotten her courage up to go for her dream of being a fashion designer. Working two jobs to support her dream she's entering her first Fashion Show this next season and developing a line to put in local stores. Hope has been coaching gymnastics since graduation and attended Jamileh Kamaran's School of Fashion Design. Hope has a keen fashion sense and a desire to succeed that will carry her through the early part of a career that is hard to break in to. She also has the support of family and close friends to encourage her along the way.
Kyle Pounders-going for a dream of success in the food industry. After pursuing other career and college paths Kyle has decided to capitalize on his success in the food industry. Taking the skills that he presently uses for others, Kyle is making the transition to working for himself with Excaliburger. Excaliburger is an awesome food vendor idea that's bound to work if for no other reason than Kyle's energy and enthusiasm. At some point Kyle can transition his idea to his ultimate dream of a restaurant(s). Thing is Kyle is smart. He's not expecting a hand out. Hard work and ingenuity are his resources and he's not expecting to start out with it all handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want a load of debt on the front end. He's not whining because there isn't someone willing to give him a couple of hundred thousand for a full-service restaurant just because he's got a great idea. He wouldn't turn it down either though, like I said, Kyle's smart.
Josh Nance-Army Reserve. Awesome. One word, awesome. If you ever needed someone to make you feel safe-it's Josh. This is the kind of young man you want to be in charge of of the country. Powerful, kind, thoughtful, prepared, smart. God give us more Joshes in the world. This is the kind of guy you want your daughters to marry. He knows what he wants out of life and is prepared to work and work hard for it. Self-less. Other's first. Good example of what a Godly man looks like.
Erin Nance-Speech Pathology student. Erin is in her last round of school preparing for a career for which she is going to be totally incredible with. Her heart for people and caring manner and patient nature are just what will make a perfect therapist for people in need of care. In the meantime she's active in caring for young people in other ways through her involvement with her church youth group and other church activities. Erin's not waiting to be in her "career" before she begins the caring. That's what will set her apart from those who are just "going to school to get a degree".
Jacob Stillman-at 19 Jacob is a good example of someone following God's leading for his future. Since early days Jacob has been a part of the band scene. He's been living his dream of being in a band, writing and singing for his fans for many years already. Jacob has been asking God for guidance for his future, sensing that his path might be different than what he's always had in mind. Making tough decisions to leave the familiar path of entertaining and looking for other ways to use his God-given gifts as well as his talent, he is considering pursuing the music industry as a business person instead of a performer. This is going to require college and debt to go to college, but he's determined. That's what's different. He knows that in order to do what he wants in the future that there will be a debt to pay. He's weighed that cost against the future and is going for it. Jacob isn't expecting a handout. He knows hard work and isn't afraid of it. He's allowed his childhood dream to mature. He's also well on his path to adulthood.
Josh Mesker-if Josh ever decides to run for public office you'd just do well to vote for him. He's my life line to staying informed. Intelligent, passionate, patient, persuasive, logical. I want him to be president someday. (Can I spend the night in the White House, Josh?) Josh has his finger on the pulse of this generation and this world. He's not afraid to jump in a dialogue with both feet that just intimidates me to no end. If I want someone to defend my convictions this is the guy. If you aren't his friend on FaceBook or Twitter, do yourself a favor and add him. You won't need CNN to be in the know.
There are dozens and dozens of others that I know, all in their twenties that should give each and every one of us hope for the future, for our kids and our grandkids. God is in control and He will use these young adults for His good will. They are seeking His guidance and obeying His word. They are the future and they are here now. Those occupying tents in cities, demanding hand-outs and bail-outs and the easy way are NOT the majority that they claim. I know a few of them and their demands are not unexpected, because that's what they've been demanding since they were two. But these others, the one's who aren't relying on someone else to determine their futures or fulfill their dreams.....these are the ones to watch.....and pray for.
I'll let you know of others as I can. I think you guys should start talking about the heroes in your life too. It's time the good guys got some attention!
Every generation it's the same because we are all the same and have the same bents and desires. We all want what we want for as little as we can get by with. Given a choice we would all choose the easy way. That's the sin nature within. That doesn't change. We can't blame how we are or how they are on anything else.
It's not the case for everyone, however. A few have managed to overcome the "gimme" attitude. They are modern day heroes and examples that we need to hold out as those who take responsibility for their own destiny, and rely on God for guidance.
Here are some of the heroes in my life that I think are good examples of those who don't lay their destiny at someone else's feet.
Leah Smith-at 21 is the Program Director at The Little Gym. Leah has been teaching and coaching gymnastics since she was 15 and loves it. Leah went to college for a couple of semesters and looked at the debt that was piling up and decided that at this time that it wasn't necessary to have a degree to do the work that she loves doing. Not that its totally out of the picture but in the work she's doing and loves, a trainer's certificate along with her work experience is more than adequate. Oh, that and a work ethic that surprises her employers (every one she's ever had), that's not something you can buy or be given by the government. I see Leah owning her own business before she's much past 30.
Hope Smith-at 22 Hope is going for it! She has finally gotten her courage up to go for her dream of being a fashion designer. Working two jobs to support her dream she's entering her first Fashion Show this next season and developing a line to put in local stores. Hope has been coaching gymnastics since graduation and attended Jamileh Kamaran's School of Fashion Design. Hope has a keen fashion sense and a desire to succeed that will carry her through the early part of a career that is hard to break in to. She also has the support of family and close friends to encourage her along the way.
Kyle Pounders-going for a dream of success in the food industry. After pursuing other career and college paths Kyle has decided to capitalize on his success in the food industry. Taking the skills that he presently uses for others, Kyle is making the transition to working for himself with Excaliburger. Excaliburger is an awesome food vendor idea that's bound to work if for no other reason than Kyle's energy and enthusiasm. At some point Kyle can transition his idea to his ultimate dream of a restaurant(s). Thing is Kyle is smart. He's not expecting a hand out. Hard work and ingenuity are his resources and he's not expecting to start out with it all handed to him on a silver platter. He doesn't want a load of debt on the front end. He's not whining because there isn't someone willing to give him a couple of hundred thousand for a full-service restaurant just because he's got a great idea. He wouldn't turn it down either though, like I said, Kyle's smart.
Josh Nance-Army Reserve. Awesome. One word, awesome. If you ever needed someone to make you feel safe-it's Josh. This is the kind of young man you want to be in charge of of the country. Powerful, kind, thoughtful, prepared, smart. God give us more Joshes in the world. This is the kind of guy you want your daughters to marry. He knows what he wants out of life and is prepared to work and work hard for it. Self-less. Other's first. Good example of what a Godly man looks like.
Erin Nance-Speech Pathology student. Erin is in her last round of school preparing for a career for which she is going to be totally incredible with. Her heart for people and caring manner and patient nature are just what will make a perfect therapist for people in need of care. In the meantime she's active in caring for young people in other ways through her involvement with her church youth group and other church activities. Erin's not waiting to be in her "career" before she begins the caring. That's what will set her apart from those who are just "going to school to get a degree".
Jacob Stillman-at 19 Jacob is a good example of someone following God's leading for his future. Since early days Jacob has been a part of the band scene. He's been living his dream of being in a band, writing and singing for his fans for many years already. Jacob has been asking God for guidance for his future, sensing that his path might be different than what he's always had in mind. Making tough decisions to leave the familiar path of entertaining and looking for other ways to use his God-given gifts as well as his talent, he is considering pursuing the music industry as a business person instead of a performer. This is going to require college and debt to go to college, but he's determined. That's what's different. He knows that in order to do what he wants in the future that there will be a debt to pay. He's weighed that cost against the future and is going for it. Jacob isn't expecting a handout. He knows hard work and isn't afraid of it. He's allowed his childhood dream to mature. He's also well on his path to adulthood.
Josh Mesker-if Josh ever decides to run for public office you'd just do well to vote for him. He's my life line to staying informed. Intelligent, passionate, patient, persuasive, logical. I want him to be president someday. (Can I spend the night in the White House, Josh?) Josh has his finger on the pulse of this generation and this world. He's not afraid to jump in a dialogue with both feet that just intimidates me to no end. If I want someone to defend my convictions this is the guy. If you aren't his friend on FaceBook or Twitter, do yourself a favor and add him. You won't need CNN to be in the know.
There are dozens and dozens of others that I know, all in their twenties that should give each and every one of us hope for the future, for our kids and our grandkids. God is in control and He will use these young adults for His good will. They are seeking His guidance and obeying His word. They are the future and they are here now. Those occupying tents in cities, demanding hand-outs and bail-outs and the easy way are NOT the majority that they claim. I know a few of them and their demands are not unexpected, because that's what they've been demanding since they were two. But these others, the one's who aren't relying on someone else to determine their futures or fulfill their dreams.....these are the ones to watch.....and pray for.
I'll let you know of others as I can. I think you guys should start talking about the heroes in your life too. It's time the good guys got some attention!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Dark Horse
Several young friends (and some old ones too) are riding the dark horse of destruction toward what they think is a finish line. It’s really an abyss of nothingness. They are held in place by the saddle of self and their spurs are hurtful words spoken by selfish tongues. The bridle is the painful bit of wrong choices. They smile because the wind feels good in their face and they don’t realize it’s a storm. Dear merciful God, please blast them from the back of the devil horse. The fall from the saddle is nothing compared to an eternity of …nothing
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Soul's Eyes
We can't even begin to know all the wonderous things God has done or made and how they all come together to declare "I AM is here and I AM loves you!" God is evident all around us if we but open our soul's eyes to see Him. I've been reading some rather secular holistic anatomy books and I'm amazed at the way God is so obviously the "life force" and "eternal energy" that they discuss with such fervor. I'm also amazed that they notice the remarkable similarities in the way that all things work together, whether man, animal, plant, or nature and yet fail to see that they are all handcrafted by the Master Creator; much like paintings or music by a particular artist become so obviously his style. I look at my hand and compare it to a large leaf. I watch momma birds caring for their young in the nest and young mothers doing the same in the nursery. I hear God's music everywhere: birds' song, conversations, guitars, children laughing, thunder, wind, even the silence is it's own kind of music. I see God in in the magnificent beauty of the sky, stars, mountains, seas, and in the tiny things like snow flakes and DNA molecules. We can't know it all but God promises that we will know enough to see Him. He promises that there is enough revelation in His creation for us to know that He is and that He surely loves us. Open up the eyes of your soul. He is right here; right now. Waiting for you.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
FREE DAY - A Family Affair
Jay and Kim,
If I had a nickel for every time someone has said "that's the best wedding I've ever been to..." I would be a wealthy woman. In truth, you are the wealthy ones! Having been to many weddings in my lengthy life (ha) I'm going to have to agree!
Comments about it being outside, in the woods, so awesome after at the party, the dancing, the food, the fun.....all those things and all the incredibly intense energy you put in to your "Free Day" did indeed make it way beyond normal!
Here's my take on why soooo many found it soooo awesome. It was a family affair. Plain and simple. You two have invited all of us into your lives in a close-knit family like relationship. We were having a family celebration! Brothers and sisters living day to day and shoulder to shoulder linked not so much by similarities as by the blood of Christ. We came together to celebrate you!
God gives space and grace to all of us to have these type of relationships and yet you don't really see it much. Your generation in general and you two specifically create this atmosphere around you. You invite us in.
Many people would love to have the kind of relationship you have with your friends. What they don't realize is the amount of giving you do, the commitments you keep, the investing of time and energy into others and their lives that goes on. They also may not necessarily have Christ as the tie that binds....
So thanks, my brother and sister, for making "Free Day" a family affair!
If I had a nickel for every time someone has said "that's the best wedding I've ever been to..." I would be a wealthy woman. In truth, you are the wealthy ones! Having been to many weddings in my lengthy life (ha) I'm going to have to agree!
Comments about it being outside, in the woods, so awesome after at the party, the dancing, the food, the fun.....all those things and all the incredibly intense energy you put in to your "Free Day" did indeed make it way beyond normal!
Here's my take on why soooo many found it soooo awesome. It was a family affair. Plain and simple. You two have invited all of us into your lives in a close-knit family like relationship. We were having a family celebration! Brothers and sisters living day to day and shoulder to shoulder linked not so much by similarities as by the blood of Christ. We came together to celebrate you!
God gives space and grace to all of us to have these type of relationships and yet you don't really see it much. Your generation in general and you two specifically create this atmosphere around you. You invite us in.
Many people would love to have the kind of relationship you have with your friends. What they don't realize is the amount of giving you do, the commitments you keep, the investing of time and energy into others and their lives that goes on. They also may not necessarily have Christ as the tie that binds....
So thanks, my brother and sister, for making "Free Day" a family affair!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
For The Big Hurts
I wrote this literally decades ago during a big hurt time and thought I had lost it until recently. It seems appropriate to post it tonight.
No one understands
Christ knows
Lord turn
Pain into character
Sorrow into joy
Heartache into compassion
That I might be your arms of love to those
In pain
With sorrow
And heartache
So that they may know
You understand
No one understands
Christ knows
Lord turn
Pain into character
Sorrow into joy
Heartache into compassion
That I might be your arms of love to those
In pain
With sorrow
And heartache
So that they may know
You understand
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Check out this newsletter.
Look at the people and the tag lines.
It's all true, really true.
The people-are the most genuine, real, open, creative people you would ever meet. Their potential for the kingdom work is astronomical. They are in the world in places, right here in our city, that you and I don't have access to. They go into the dark places and shine like beacons of light and hope. They aren't perfect, but then neither am I, and truthfully, neither are you. If Jesus were to come to the earth today to pick his 12 these are the people He would be walking among. He didn't go to the "white collar workers" of His day. He didn't go to the old wise sages of His day. He went to the young, ordinary individuals and invested His time and energies into empowering them to continue what He was starting. He would pick these people. Yes, He would.
The tag line-Turning the sons and daughters of evangelicals back to God and the Church. What the statement means (and studies support) is that many young people, even those brought up in Christian homes and churches, shed those beliefs in their early adulthood as they begin to try to form a belief system of their own. They need other adults and peers to which they can freely express their questions and doubts and who will point them back to "God and the Church". Not saying at all that Mom & Dad did a bad job, just that these young adults, including your own, are searching for their own truth. They may already posses it but until they "test" it, it may seem like something inherited, like blue eyes or blond hair. Then it becomes real to them and they can embrace their past learning.
So, that's what we're about. Seeking and finding gifted, talented, different, genuine young adults and no matter what their background or where they are spiritually and embracing them not only with the truth of Christ but with the love of Christ. Going with them into the trenches of life to rescue others and share the light that Christ has given to us.
You can read my other blog "Cowards Need Not Apply" and see if you have what it takes to stand in the gap and support this mission church. Or you can go directly to the website http://www.vintagenxt.com/Vintagenxt.com/Welcome.html and donate online. We really need your help and any size donation will help us "eat the elephant" that represents real needs of our pastor. And pray! This gets really tough sometimes and just because we don't need a passport to go to this mission field doesn't mean it isn't a mission. You may find that someday these people will be reaching out to "your people".
Blessings on you and yours!
Hold all that God gives with an open hand.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Cowards Need Not Apply
I'm looking for some missionaries who aren't afraid to love with the love of Christ. This mission field is dangerous. You may get dirty. You may find your heart bleeding for those who need Him. You probably will lose your head-it happens! I know you will lose your heart! The language is sometimes difficult to understand for the uninitiated. You'll be on call 24/7 and yes you will be called. You can't hold back and you can't fake it. The natives can sense fear and they are very discerning when it comes to those who aren't being genuine. You'll have to participate in some of the tribal rituals and gatherings which are sometimes going to be outside your comfort zone.
I'm looking for some missionaries who aren't afraid to love with the love of Christ. This mission field is dangerous. You may get dirty. You may find your heart bleeding for those who need Him. You probably will lose your head-it happens! I know you will lose your heart! The language is sometimes difficult to understand for the uninitiated. You'll be on call 24/7 and yes you will be called. You can't hold back and you can't fake it. The natives can sense fear and they are very discerning when it comes to those who aren't being genuine. You'll have to participate in some of the tribal rituals and gatherings which are sometimes going to be outside your comfort zone.
Here are the qualifications:
Must be able to love unconditionally as Jesus has loved you
Must be passionate about loving and serving Christ
Must be able to allow Christ to change the hearts and habits at His pace (you are only a facilitator)
Must be willing to go where they are
Must be able to admit your own failures
Must be transparent
Must be a sinner saved by grace
Must be able to listen more than talk
Must be able to hug really well
Must be able to look past any and all outward appearances and see the beauty within
Must be able to forgive
You can handle messy love
Must not easily get your feelings hurt
Need to have nerves of steel
You aren't easily shocked
Need to exhibit the fruit of the spirit: love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control
Need to love God's word and be able to reference it in conversations
Need to be able to appreciate that not everyone is in the same place spiritually as you
Need to be able to give more than receive
Need to be able to not come with a consumer attitude (it's not about you)
Need to be able to lovingly confront without being judgmental
Need to be able to boldly go where no man has gone before (ha)
It's not necessary to:
Know six-sylable words to explain the scriptures
Have all the answers
Have your act together
Say Thee and Thou when you pray
Be old or young
Be cool like me
About the mission:
This mission is located not more than 15 minutes from anywhere in Little Rock
The tribal gatherings can occur any time during the week with the main one on Sunday nights so it won't interfere with other gatherings you may have
The natives are primarily in their twenties-many are Christ-followers and many are not
You don't have to be in your twenties or be old either-all ages are needed
There is a harvest waiting right here in our city. it's waiting on us. Are you up for it? You don't need a passport. Some funding would be greatly appreciated. Prayer is the best thing.
If you haven't felt needed in a long time and you think you have what it takes message me. I'll send you the application.
Cowards need not apply.
The Real Pam Smith
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Maker's Diet
Today is day forty! I've officially finished and yet I've just begun. I started doing this diet after researching lots of healthy eating diets. I knew I needed to lose some weight that had accumulated mostly from steroid shots but also just from getting older. I lost ten pounds total. Eight in the first ten days. My goal was to get healthy and get rid of this rash that I've had for almost three years. I can't even begin to explain the difference in how I feel. The rash is still here but I do have hopes of getting it under control. The big thing is how much energy I have and how much lighter my spirit is. That's it, my spirit is lighter. This is just a beginning. In the Bible there were several times that forty days played significant in the lives of God's people. The first few days without the sugars, breads, and caffiene weren't even that bad. There was only one day that I felt as if a semi had run over me. I think what made the difference this time was that I am convinced that how we eat is directly connected to how we feel. I researched for about a month and psyched up for about two weeks prior to starting. I can do anything for forty days.
If you are sick or just tired you need to do this. If nothing else it will show you what you are doing to your health every day even when you think you are eating right. Stick it out. It's life changing.
I was able to stop takIng my thyroid meds at about day twenty five. With doc permission of course. I did end up having to get a steroid shot and some antibiotics after a cheating spree one evening.
If you are sick or just tired you need to do this. If nothing else it will show you what you are doing to your health every day even when you think you are eating right. Stick it out. It's life changing.
I was able to stop takIng my thyroid meds at about day twenty five. With doc permission of course. I did end up having to get a steroid shot and some antibiotics after a cheating spree one evening.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
To the Saints who are VintageNxt
Happy Birthday VintageNxt!
Five years old today! In church years that's a lot. Statistics tell us that for small businesses five years is a break point between failure and success. If a business lasts for five years its potential to last for ten years quadruples. Now a church is not a business nor should it be....it's an organism, a living breathing thing with arms and legs and most of all hearts. I'm sure if we were to apply a business stat model to the early church it would say that Jesus was nuts to try to change the world by leaving it in the hands of 12 men who were certainly not prepared to do what the stats would say would be necessary to implement such a comprehensive far-reaching movement. There would need to be boards established and org charts to be written and staffed, monies raised and media presentations crafted, oh the media that would be necessary! That's not what Jesus did then and that's not what He's doing now. Jesus's secret plan for changing the world was to give Himself up for it...totally....completely....eternally and to empower seemingly incompetent people to act for Him. There wasn't the internet (Al Gore had not been born yet). All Jesus had was the hearts of those that had followed Him through the dusty roads and hillsides and listened....and loved, not only Him, but each other. Jesus said that was what made the difference.....that they showed that His love was genuine by loving each other...that was what was going to change the world. That's what you do, you saints who are at VintageNxt. In a world where people young and old are hungry for love, you give it, His love, His arms, His heart. In this world where people are so afraid, both of not being loved and of loving others unconditionally, you do. You do it for Him, because you love Him! You look past the barriers that people put up to keep others out, whether it's not looking or acting like you, or being shy, or unreachable, or sometimes just plain mean, or carrying so much baggage that the wall takes a jackhammer to get through. You do that. You give others the same grace that God gives you to fail or be a failure or just a plain old sinner. You make Jesus smile and cry at the same time when you give that grace and love anyway. It's not always easy. Love gets messy sometimes. When you start getting close to someone and loving them you begin to see the imperfections because you are so up close. Satan uses our inclination to judge others to drive us apart. It's a good thing when that starts happening because it is an indication that your love is a threat to his cause. He uses our frail egos and tender hearts to cause us to have our feelings hurt and cause divisions among us. That's not a new thing....it happened to the early church too and is actually addressed in the Bible. Hearts that have not been hurt have not really loved....not unconditionally at least.Jesus had His heart broken, didn't He? He died however so that we could reconcile with God over the things that break His heart. He died so we could reconcile with each other too. In fact He commands it in the Bible and mentions it when talking about taking communion. In order to be right with God we need to be right with our brothers and sisters so that our love is the light to the world that it's supposed to be. That's pretty different from the world. He says to go to your brother if he has something against you (not if you have something against him) and make it right. All too often we get separated over stupid stuff that in light of eternity doesn't mean a thing. Or separation occurs when we love wrongly and then when it's over, it's awkward. We need to keep short accounts with our differences with each other....it breaks God's heart and devalues what Jesus did for us on the cross. Jesus died so we can love, what difference does it make who said what about who....really, what difference does it make? We need to be able to come together and focus on God and Jesus and others and not on the messy little details of life. We absolutely don't need to be avoiding each other because we are mad or it's awkward. Satan love division...Jesus loves unconditionally and wants us to love that way too. It's sometimes easier to share God's love with someone you don't know than with someone you know well, or at least think you do. Let's all endeavor this next year to love more deeply, more unconditionally, with more grace. That my dear saints is a world-changing plan crafted by The High King of Heaven. The One Who loves us like none other, wants us to love each other like no one else on earth. It's not an easy thing....Jesus died for it, but wants us to live for it.....come and lay your wounded hearts on the altar at the feet of Jesus.
Come tonight....and come right.....and come love.....In the words of the Beatles..."Come together, right now, over me!"
See you at the party....you are the party!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
On Being Hot and Cold but not sickening!
About being useful where you are.
I don't want God to spit me out like vomit!
I don't want to make Him sick!
That's what it says in Revelation, right?
God wants me to be useful, either hot or cold, but never worthless and lukewarm.
At my age it's time to take the emphasis off of me and my needs and start focusing on how to share about the wonders of a heavenly Father who loves me.
I'm at the point where I feel guilty going to yet another Bible study! Note-going. Not leading. Not giving out. Just soaking up more of God's goodness and knowledge.
Not, of course, that I know it all, or even part, or even a "smidgin". But I know way more than what I put into practice. I know way more than what I share. In truth, a lot of what I know about God is that He wants me to share. I haven't done that.
Year after year I've sat and soaked up knowledge about biblical things and deepened my own relationship with God. I've soaked up so much that I'm like a big old swollen dog tick, full up of knowledge of the precious blood of Jesus. I'm so full that I'm in danger of busting or falling off. Is that how I'm supposed to be? Is that being lukewarm?
If I have knowledge and do not share, is that being lukewarm? Do I make God sick, when He has so faithfully nourished me and I greedily keep it all for myself? Is that possible?
Can I be content to continue to only receive? Is my contentment sin?
On my last day, when I meet God face to face, is He going to be thrilled that I finished one more study on being a Godly woman and yet have not made time to share what I already knew from the last one?
Shame on me. I even make me sick!
I don't want God to spit me out like vomit!
I don't want to make Him sick!
That's what it says in Revelation, right?
God wants me to be useful, either hot or cold, but never worthless and lukewarm.
At my age it's time to take the emphasis off of me and my needs and start focusing on how to share about the wonders of a heavenly Father who loves me.
I'm at the point where I feel guilty going to yet another Bible study! Note-going. Not leading. Not giving out. Just soaking up more of God's goodness and knowledge.
Not, of course, that I know it all, or even part, or even a "smidgin". But I know way more than what I put into practice. I know way more than what I share. In truth, a lot of what I know about God is that He wants me to share. I haven't done that.
Year after year I've sat and soaked up knowledge about biblical things and deepened my own relationship with God. I've soaked up so much that I'm like a big old swollen dog tick, full up of knowledge of the precious blood of Jesus. I'm so full that I'm in danger of busting or falling off. Is that how I'm supposed to be? Is that being lukewarm?
If I have knowledge and do not share, is that being lukewarm? Do I make God sick, when He has so faithfully nourished me and I greedily keep it all for myself? Is that possible?
Can I be content to continue to only receive? Is my contentment sin?
On my last day, when I meet God face to face, is He going to be thrilled that I finished one more study on being a Godly woman and yet have not made time to share what I already knew from the last one?
Shame on me. I even make me sick!
Friday, August 20, 2010
I Smell A Rat!
No, really, I smell a rat!
The other night I was grilling some chicken for supper and.....
I raised the lid to light the grill and noticed that the grate was really clean. "Why, some thoughtful person really cleaned up after they grilled!" then I remembered that I had grilled last and was really impressed that someone had cleaned up after me!
Old habits die hard however and I still scrubbed the grate down after it heated up and before I put the chicken on. After supper I decided that I should be thoughtful and go clean the grill since it had impressed me so much that it was clean for me to use.
I grabbed the scrubber thing and raised the lid and.........there was a rat in the still warm grill licking the coals and the grate!
Now I'm not normally that put off by vermin but it was such a surprise that I squealed somewhat like a scared pig and slammed the lid, knowing full well that he was going to run out the bottom from whence he came and most likely run at least across my feet if not up my leg!
Praise God! He indeed ran out the bottom but wanted nothing to do with me!
At least now I know who to thank for cleaning the grill.....ick!
The other night I was grilling some chicken for supper and.....
I raised the lid to light the grill and noticed that the grate was really clean. "Why, some thoughtful person really cleaned up after they grilled!" then I remembered that I had grilled last and was really impressed that someone had cleaned up after me!
Old habits die hard however and I still scrubbed the grate down after it heated up and before I put the chicken on. After supper I decided that I should be thoughtful and go clean the grill since it had impressed me so much that it was clean for me to use.
I grabbed the scrubber thing and raised the lid and.........there was a rat in the still warm grill licking the coals and the grate!
Now I'm not normally that put off by vermin but it was such a surprise that I squealed somewhat like a scared pig and slammed the lid, knowing full well that he was going to run out the bottom from whence he came and most likely run at least across my feet if not up my leg!
Praise God! He indeed ran out the bottom but wanted nothing to do with me!
At least now I know who to thank for cleaning the grill.....ick!
Friday, August 13, 2010
More Harding Academy Memories
More obscure thoughts.....as I remember them.....
Seventh grade-I remember that cool thing in science class where the guys had to try to lift the girls up by facing them and lifting straight up under the girls arms. Not a problem at all until the girl took her thumb and rested it under the guys chin.....ta da! They could no longer lift the girl that seconds before they had no problem lifting. It had something to do with where the individual's center of gravity was and seemed to work only around the seventh grade. Revenge of the forty five pound weakling from sixth grade math! Little surprised that hand to armpit and thumb to chin was allowed. This was also the year someone, who shall remain nameless called me a "spaz" in p.e. For missing a catch that was so over my head that it hit the cars in the parking lot, and after standing out in right field for thirty minutes with no activity anyway. That really hurt my feelings.....little did un-named person know that later in my life someone got smart and pulled me infield where I played third base on an industrial team and second base on the church team and I always batted first because I always got on base and always came home. I was a fast little sucker with a good arm and could place hit! Yeah! That's right!
Eighth grade-it's a blur? I think this is the year I learned to ride a unicycle, really good! It's also the year I started shaving my legs. Mom wasn't ready for that yet until I told her I was afraid I was fixin to get called a werewolf. She had me lathered up before you could say "kidding"!
Ninth grade-CONTACTS and braces and learning to drive. Found out I could be really funny, but kept it pretty much to myself.
Tenth grade-CAR thanks mom and pop, for the first one, a Plymouth Fury with the tie-dyed vinyl top, blue, cool!
Eleventh grade-New car, more sensible, smaller, Chev with a leopard print vinyl top, complete with optional tail sticking out of the trunk! Racing up and down race street, getting boys to follow and then taking them down that back street and kinda jumping the bridge and scaring the you know out of the guys following that didn't know about the bridge! Ha it never failed!
Twelfth grade-was this the year that we put fizzies in our mouths in English or home room to see how long we could hold them before running to spit in the trash?
I'm sure I can remember more than that, but it's probably better to not talk about it! Kinda like mixed bathing!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Memories of Harding Elementary School

Random things I remember or at least think I remember.
First grade-remember being way shorter than anyone else. Remember passing cafeteria every day on the way to the restroom and the cook making me come in and eat a piece of bread and butter or a piece of cheese because I was "weemsie". Not sure what that meant but it would be cured by eating more fat. That's why it seemed I took so long going potty. Remember Dick, Jane and Spot. Never really cared much for Sally. Remember slips that made my dresses fluff way out and scratched like crazy. Remember see-sawing with Skippy Hicks, my main squeeze! It was a one-sided affair. The see-sawing, not the squeezing.
Second grade-remember being told I was almost worst reader in the class. Darn that Sally!
Third grade-love, love, loved art! Cried all night when I found out I had to get glasses.
Fourth grade-let's just skip this one, ok?
Fifth grade-I can speak German! I'm in a German version of Hansel and Gretel. I am a phefferkuchenkinder (Gingerbread kid-part of the fence at the hag's house) and the fairy who bops H and G on the head to wake them up. Fairy costume borrowed from Kathleen Shepherd my bff. Like the slips it was made with that nylon net stuff that they make dish scrubbers out of today. Never had to exfoliate your thighs!
Sixth grade-ah sixth grade....in math learning about mean, median, and averages....everyone went separately into the other room and got measured for height and weighed. Then they put the numbers without names on the board and we discussed averages, median, and it was just plain mean....I weighed 45 pounds and everyone thought it was so funny and was obviously so obvious who the forty five pound weakling was! Didn't enjoy math that year. Did enjoy doing the crossing guard thing. Especially if Frank Wellborn was also on duty..sigh. Slip update-this was the year they softened the material to nylon and put this blow up tube, like a bike tire tube around the bottom. You inflated it and presto, instant fluffy dress, which of course makes stick legs even more stickish. Bit of a problem when you sat down if you blew it up too full, your hem would be up your nose! Other thing about sixth grade was that by then BK Morris had asked all the girls at least once to marry him. No one ever said yes, silly BK. If Frank had asked, I would have said yes.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Birds were made to fly

The past few weeks we have had an awesome time watching a family of doves build a nest on our front porch and hatch a couple of eggs. Mom and Dad bird took turns sitting on the nest both before and after their babies hatched. It seemed like it was only about a week after hatching that the nest was getting terribly crowded. Mom and Dad started leaving the babies alone for short periods of time. Then one day Mom and one baby were gone. Oh my! Was this a good sign or did a cat get them? The other baby just sat there looking sad and alone for three days. We were afraid that he was going to die soon. We all got really tense and started thinking about what we could do for him. Should we try to feed and water him? He looked rather smaller than the other one had been.
Just at the point where we were about to intervene we saw Mom bird hanging around and then spotted brother bird in some bushes out front. Yay! He wasn't alone but we didn't understand why they wouldn't come on up and check on him.
Seems that Mom knew what she was doing because by not coming to the nest she forced him to fly down to them.
Birds were made to fly. God designed them and that is what birds do. Our little baby bird had let his fear hold him captive in his nest. He felt safe there. His paralyzing fear kept him from spreading his wings and flying as he was meant to do. He almost died before he embraced the reality of who God made him to be.
Birds flying display the glory and creativity of their maker. You can't help but wonder about how they feel up in the sky, soaring and riding the winds. I don't know if birds laugh or not, but I'm sure that they have to feel some type of joy and freedom up there. If I was a bird, I think I would be laughing!
I know a lot of the time I get stuck in my nest. I know God wants me to fly, that is to be who He created me to be and to do the things that He wants me to accomplish for His kingdom here on earth. Ephesians talks about the things that God has ordained for us to do. Read that sometime.
A few weeks back at Vintagenxt Jeff was talking about worshipping God by being who He made you to be.
Do you know who God created you to be? If you weren't created to fly, what were you created to do? What makes your heart sing? What is it that you would do if you had no limitations and no fears? What do you have a compelling desire to be? When you venture out of your nest and "be you" people will notice and usually make comments about it. When you "be you" God is glorified.
Birds were made to fly.....what did God make you for?
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