Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Maker's Diet

Today is day forty! I've officially finished and yet I've just begun. I started doing this diet after researching lots of healthy eating diets. I knew I needed to lose some weight that had accumulated mostly from steroid shots but also just from getting older. I lost ten pounds total. Eight in the first ten days. My goal was to get healthy and get rid of this rash that I've had for almost three years. I can't even begin to explain the difference in how I feel. The rash is still here but I do have hopes of getting it under control. The big thing is how much energy I have and how much lighter my spirit is. That's it, my spirit is lighter. This is just a beginning. In the Bible there were several times that forty days played significant in the lives of God's people. The first few days without the sugars, breads, and caffiene weren't even that bad. There was only one day that I felt as if a semi had run over me. I think what made the difference this time was that I am convinced that how we eat is directly connected to how we feel. I researched for about a month and psyched up for about two weeks prior to starting. I can do anything for forty days.
If you are sick or just tired you need to do this. If nothing else it will show you what you are doing to your health every day even when you think you are eating right. Stick it out. It's life changing.
I was able to stop takIng my thyroid meds at about day twenty five. With doc permission of course. I did end up having to get a steroid shot and some antibiotics after a cheating spree one evening.